Have Manikins ever interested you? they interest me! they ARE life sized dolls!!! come on how don't they interest me! over the past few days (because family came down) we went shopping in melboure alot. i spotted the first photo in the Miss Shop section of the Bassment (which is the tween to twenties section in Myer stores. because the department stores are under ground, very cool). I was very impressed that they placed the manikins in wooden larger than life barbie doll cases!!! don't you agree that it cute?
The second pic is from a top high street bra shop. The shop was very glossy and lavish. i was impressed how this doll really communicated the style of the shop. I loved her wig and the effort the shop had gone too, to add feathers, flowers, fur and butterflies in her hair. She really greets the customers! my brother seemed to like her too.

OMG that maniquen in the bra shop is fricken awesome!!!! I wish all shops went to that much trouble with their manequens... i can't spell that word, lol
at least you love my blog ryan!!!!
Oh Squeak, I love your blog too!
Don't you think that that mannequin with the Marie Antoinette hairstyle has an incrediably masculine face?
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