Thursday, July 24, 2008

Easy craft bags! Blog no: 36!

Behold the most easy way to pimp up your bags! these fabric bags are 90cents and lincraft! you'd have to be stupid to fail at this craft activity!
what you'll need:
* fabric paint (we used black)
* lincraft bags 90cents (colours: white, red and green)
* newspaper (fold it in half and put in bag so the ink does not sink through)
* thin paint brush and glass was water to wash paint out.
When paint is dry on bag i suggest you turn it inside out and iron it.
I love the fact that you can do anything on the bag! just run wild you know! witty sayings! drawings, maccers ANYTHING!
also when you think about it you can do this to anything! get creative!


Ryan Wilson said...

ZOMG i want the 'NOT!!!' bag. NOW!!! lol :p

Elisa said...

x ryan