Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ghostworld scans! blog no23!

Presenting the links the complete ghost world scans (sorry but you have to download them chapter at a time) they where scanned and upload completely by snow falls on fridays. i do not own ghostworld in any way. i will be looking for ways to promote these scan so other people can read and enjoy ghostworld as much as i do. each chapter scan is downloaded in a winzip file and need to be "unzipped". please enjoy the scans. Below is the links and title of chapters. please let me know if you have any problems and also what you think about ghostworld

chpt1 Here -Ghostworld
chpt2 Here -Garage Sale
chpt3 Here -Punk day
chpt4 Here -The first time
chpt5 Here -Hubba Hubba
chpt6 Here -The Norman square
chpt7 Here - A Smile and a Ribbon
chpt8 Here - October


Unknown said...

I would really like to read this, but you are missing parts 5 and 6. please email me at