Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Snail Baby! Blog no: 27!

Introducing my snail Baby! i made it last weekend. i used a dolls face and arms (the ears) for the flesh parts. it's a simple partner which i'll upload soon (one day). Since the face and upper part of the softie is heavier than the bottom i used marbles for weights (which worked wonders!) i am very proud of her! my sister says it looks like a sperm! however to me it's a snail or slug!


Ryan Wilson said...

ZAH!! Dont take this wrong way, but thats the creepiest
thing eva!! and i DONT MEAN creppy like eww or anything, i mean like, imagine if you woke up in the night n one of those were crawling along the floor. AHHH Its thew baby face and ears that do it for me

Putting that aside, tats really awesome, and good idea for using the marbles at weights :)